Movement of rusks

2 min readFeb 13, 2021

What is the typical way in which a person comes to the question of what is movement?

Problem “from point A to point B”. Formula. Calculation. The notion that things are changing. The idea that there are opinions is different for different people. The idea of ​​an opinion as a result of a previous, largely random change in a person. The idea of ​​the objective and the subjective. The concept of thinking. And “somewhere” along this path the question arises about movement as such — what is it?

It is known for certain that the body is either in a given place or not. This is the case with bodies at rest. But if the body changes its position from one place to another, is the body located at a point between these positions or not? This stationary approach does not help to understand movement. One of the forms of an acceptable answer to these difficulties will be: “The body is at this point and is not.” This formulation becomes possible precisely in view of the fact that movement is allowed, since not all points of view recognize movement. Be that as it may, the convenience of the concept of movement can hardly be overestimated. Each “point” of a moving something (it can be a material body, and a thought, essence, concept) is mediated by the previous one, and mediates the next one. At every point, something is only as vanishing, and it owes this disappearance to motion. The fact that sometimes a person succeeds in catching something motionless, resting, “known” — the closest way indicates that this person was not able to trace the movement of this something. It should be added that one can see a direct connection between thinking and movement, the nature of which is very difficult to express quite definitely.

So, since movement is allowed, since something is and is not at a given point of the “trajectory”, since it is not possible to indicate something not involved in the movement, something to which movement is not characteristic, in other words, it is not possible to find something stationary, then we can go to rusks.

If you move the rusks into a plate with eggs and soak, and then put them in the pan, then, in addition to the fact that they change, you will also get a first-class dish for every day. You can also move the rusks into milk.

