How to explain to an alien what “rusks” are?

3 min readJan 9, 2021

So one.

Getting down to writing such a complex and large-scale article, I am aware that this formulation of the question has no practical significance yet, however, the results of this work can be applied for other purposes and in other situations.

Without setting ourselves the task of a detailed and overly detailed deployment of the essence of the matter, it is not possible to completely avoid some moments.

In his explanation, a human can only embody his understanding of the concept of “understanding”. In other words, how a humsn understands, his “knowledge” about what “understanding” is, can only serve as the basis for explaining something to someone else.

A concept is, generally speaking, the formation of a “thing”. In other words, a thing is understood only when it is understood as becoming, as having come to its current understanding, as having become a current thing and passing into another, next, more developed understanding of it.

Well, if so, then the process of explanation can then be considered completely exhaustive, giving understanding when he expounds the concept of a thing as having become, as a result of a previous development, a result that is the beginning of the next, more developed understanding.

Closer to the rusks.

With such assumptions, one can try, in the most general terms, to outline an approximate way of explaining by a human the concept of “rusks” to someone else.

The idea of ​​the composition of matter, the idea of ​​the stable elements of matter and their table (periodic table), the idea of ​​the relationship between the elements (chemical compounds, water, for example) and the relationship between compounds (complex organic chains, starch, for example), the idea of ​​manifestations chemical structure in the form of various physical properties (the effect of various “rings” in the composition on the elasticity of the substance, polymerization, etc.), the idea of ​​the effect of physical effects on the chemical structure and composition (changes in structure and bonds, when flour is heated with water, for example), the effect moisture on the durability of organic compounds under certain conditions.

In short, in order to show understanding, a human must “hold” a rusk in front of the listener from the very beginning, from beginnings like atoms, to the current “frozen” state of a rusk, when he is just about, having got into a humid environment, for example, will pass into another state, for example, mold.

Such an approach may well count on feedback from the listener, since the most general laws are affected, the manifestation of which does not depend on the subjective characteristics of the perceiver.


The outlined path is a consequence of how a person understands the concept of “understanding” and its sequential (more or less detailed) passage through it and constitutes an “exposure” of the concept of a “concept”, constitutes understanding as a result of some development.

